Thursday, February 3, 2011

Run For Your Life

With all we know about the health benefits of running, and the slammin' body it creates, I am determined to learn the secret of those out there who seem to love it.  I have never enjoyed running.  I have tried to start running here and there, but I just can't seem to keep it part of my exercise rotation.  So, one of the goals I have set for myself for this year is to finally learn how to run.  I knew I needed to go about it a different way if I was going to make this happen, so I found a Beginner's Running Guide that I have adapted to fit my style.  I figure part of my failing attempts with running is due to trying to do too much all at once and getting discouraged.  This guide seems to agree with that logic, as the first day is 20 minutes on the treadmill, 17 of which are walking, and 3 (non-consecutive minutes) of which are running--I can definitely handle that!  At the end of eight weeks, I will be able to run for 30 consecutive minutes.

My plan is to stick with the running directions, and on the non-running days, I will hit the weights.  I have structured my week in 3 days of running, alternated with 3 days of weight training (instead of the 4/2 structure of the Guide).  On the weight training days, I plan to conquer 5-6 different machines/workout moves (at 3 sets of 12-15).  The Beginner's Running Guide does provide for workouts on the non-running days, but I am just not a print-out-and-take-to-the-gym kind of girl.  So, without further adieu, here's the schedule for the next eight weeks of my life:
Happy running...

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